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Invention & Innovation CAI Award
Delegation of Malaysia Prize
Hong Kong ICT Awards: ICT Startup
Award 2023 (Social Impact)
HK Information and Communication Technology Award (Smart People)
China Sport Technology Award Finalist 體育風雲科技獎2022
HK Information and Communication Technology Award (Smart Living)
Second prize in the 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Youth Innovation Awards in Singapore and the RoboCoach Team won the Best Creative Idea Award
Cyberport Creative Micro Fund
Invention & Innovation CAI Award
Delegation of Malaysia Prize
HK Information and Communication Technology Award (Smart People)
Hong Kong ICT Awards
HK Information and Communication Technology Award (Smart Living)
Delegation of Malaysia Prize
Second prize in the 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Delegation of Malaysia Prize
Youth Innovation Awards in Singapore and the RoboCoach Team won the Best Creative Idea Award
Delegation of Malaysia Prize
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